Saturday 22 June 2024

Session 15 - EPILOGUE

PCs: Garreth, Markus

The intrepid party descends into the ancient, echoing halls of the mausoleum, their breath catching in their throats as they sense the dark presence of Azrahel-Koth awaiting their arrival. The air is thick with foreboding, but they press on, their resolve unyielding. Suddenly, from the shadows, the Herald of Sathmog emerges, his eyes burning with malice and his voice a dark incantation of doom.

With a roar of defiance, the heroes engage in a fierce and harrowing battle, the clash of steel and the flare of magic lighting the gloom. The Herald's sinister power tests their limits, but their unity and bravery prevail. With a final, thunderous strike, they shatter his form, banishing the malevolent spirit to the abyss from whence it came.

Victory won and evil vanquished, the party makes their way out of the oppressive catacombs, hearts pounding with triumph and relief. As they step into the light of the outside world, they are met with a sight of breathtaking awe—a mighty dragon, its scales glinting like molten metal, stands before them. The ground trembles beneath its weight, and its eyes blaze with ancient wisdom and untold power, heralding the next chapter of their epic saga.


The first thing you notice as you step out into the daylight is that the demonic mist has been driven from the area. You gaze out over a bleak and barren island, surrounded by the black waters of Mirror Lake and littered with twisted bodies.

Then you see the dragon – a majestic creature with shimmering green scales and enormous wings. It is perched on a rock some twenty meters in front of you, staring at you with cold, reptilian eyes. Feeling small and insignificant, you are gripped by a strong impulse to bow before the winged beast.

“I thank you, friends,” rumbles the dragon in a thunderous, commanding voice: “You have saved the light and the cleansing fire. The three-tongued one was stopped at the threshold of his world, and Um-Durman is once again in safe hands.”

The dragon spreads its mighty wings and takes to the air with a few swift beats. It leaves you with a final message before disappearing from view – a telepathic hiss that seems to fill your souls and demand that you bow to a higher power:

“The time of the great cleansing is nigh. Eledain awaits his sword. He awaits his faithful servants. He will summon you when the time is right.”

The End.

Azrahel Koth

The demon sorcerer Azrahel Koth is Sathmog’s greatest servant in the Misty Vale, resurrected by his master to spread the demon cult throughout the world.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Khaa the Fire Demon

Khaa was summoned by Azrahel Koth to guard his crypt, but proved to be something of a disappointment as the demon was more interested in discussing the mysteries of existence than fighting. 
Khaa appears as a humanoid seemingly made of fire, always sizzling, crackling, and smoldering, even while standing still. Its voice hisses like steam escaping wet wood on a large fire.

The Isle of Mist

“The island in Mirror Lake at the northern end of the valley is a place of death, avoided by all that live and breathe. Stories tell of ancient magic – and a crypt brimming with gold and wondrous artifacts. But the island is wreathed in demonic fog that sucks the life out of anything that comes near.”

On a hilltop stands a column of white marble so tall it rises above the yellowish mist. A narrow staircase winds its way up the column. Five arms support a wide stone slab at the top of the tower.

Session 14

PCs: Garreth, Markus, Aino, Shadowfang

the ghost

The party gathers their allies for the final battle against Azrahel Koth. Joining them are a scouting party from Outskirt, a band of orcs from the Maladuk clan, and Alfilia with her dragon knights. Shadowfang also persuades the giant Glam-Glam to join their quest.

The expedition travels to Mirror Lake, where they spot the Isle of Mist in the distance, surrounded by corrosive fumes. With protection granted by Um-Durmam, they cross the lake on rafts and reach the island.

On the island, the only landmark is an altar holding the corpse of a follower of Sathmog. When the heroes remove his amulet, his ghost appears and attacks, but they quickly destroy the undead spirit.

The demon Akrae

While exploring the island, they discover an underwater entrance leading to a network of tunnels. In these tunnels, they easily slay a fearsome troll but face a tougher challenge in a crab-like demon summoned by Azrahel Koth. Several orcs fall in the battle, but the heroes ultimately triumph.

Descending to a lower level, they leave the rocky caverns for a marble-tiled labyrinth. Here, they avoid traps by solving the riddles associated with them. They then encounter the demon Khaa, who offers to spare them from combat if they solve three riddles. The heroes successfully answer all the riddles and are allowed to proceed.

The party then faces a deadly water trap where Markus nearly loses his life. Fortunately, his comrades manage to save him just in time.

Sunday 12 May 2024

The She-Spider Saak'shal

Giant spiders are rapacious predators that can unfortunately be found all over the world. They are drawn to dark and damp spaces, but always on the hunt for living meat in forests and caves as well as mountains and ruined cities.

Particularly sly individuals can even build their nests under popular inns or near underground libraries and treasure chambers. Ancient females can grow as large as a house, but most are roughly the size of a well-fed cow.

Giant spiders are smarter than they look, and in some parts of the world, older females can attain the status of oracles or demigods.

Saak’shal is an ancient spider with cloudy gray eyes whose edges are covered with crusts of old pus and dirt. She moves jerkily but quickly and is almost twice the size of normal giant spiders. 

Saturday 11 May 2024

Session 13

PCs: Garreth, Markus, Aino, Shadowfang

The party ventures further into Oracle Cave, braving its depths with determination. Negotiating a precarious bridge crafted from intricate webs, they arrive at the lair of the Spider Mother, a colossal arachnid known as Saak'shal, who holds a child captive.

In a bid to secure the child's release, the party strikes a bargain with the intelligent spider, offering a sheep in exchange. Though the deal is struck, doubts linger about the safety of leaving the menacing spider unchecked. Ultimately, they opt to confront Saak'shal, engaging in a grueling battle that ends with the spider's demise and the exploration of her hoarded treasures.

With the rescued child in tow, the party returns to Outskirt, where they make final preparations for their journey to the Isle of Mist. There, they intend to confront the ominous presence of Azrahel Koth and vanquish the dark power looming over the land.