Saturday 11 May 2024

Session 13

PCs: Garreth, Markus, Aino, Shadowfang

The party ventures further into Oracle Cave, braving its depths with determination. Negotiating a precarious bridge crafted from intricate webs, they arrive at the lair of the Spider Mother, a colossal arachnid known as Saak'shal, who holds a child captive.

In a bid to secure the child's release, the party strikes a bargain with the intelligent spider, offering a sheep in exchange. Though the deal is struck, doubts linger about the safety of leaving the menacing spider unchecked. Ultimately, they opt to confront Saak'shal, engaging in a grueling battle that ends with the spider's demise and the exploration of her hoarded treasures.

With the rescued child in tow, the party returns to Outskirt, where they make final preparations for their journey to the Isle of Mist. There, they intend to confront the ominous presence of Azrahel Koth and vanquish the dark power looming over the land.

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